How did British Columbia’s labor market perform in November? The province’s unemployment rate is down 0.1% from October, totaling 5.3%, and up 0.9% from 12 months ago. The labor force increased by 5,200 individuals, and employment increased by 9,000, while over the past year they increased by 94,500 and 64,200.
There was a rise of both part-time positions (+2,500) and full-time roles (+6,500), compared to October. Notably, full-time employment saw positive growth in the 15 to 24 age group (+7,800) and 25 to 54 age group (+17,300) while decreasing for those aged 55 + (-18,600).
Employment increased in the private sector (+25,500) and the public sector (+4,500), with the number of self-employed individuals decreasing by 21,000 compared to October.
Read more about the #BritishColumbia labour market at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/data/statistics/employment-labour/labour-market-statistics and follow MatchBox on LinkedIn for more interesting industry updates 🔔